





以為今天看到了你,她唱著,而我又再次愛上你,她吹著口哨,記得媽媽說抬頭挺胸,就會過去的,你做得到。我不再把頭別過去了。是的,就是這樣。她繼續無憂地唱著,不經意地讓我想起曾經擁有的,曾經失去而不再的,想起仍擁有的,會一直珍惜的,我決定要這張CD。也等不及要聽E 怎麼說藍眼睛的歌聲,曾在伯克萊大學修過六十年代嬉皮文化的她,不知聽到這歌聲會有什麼樣的反應?會與我一樣,想起披頭士還有誰一起唱過的Yesterday,還是都忘了?我吹起口哨,在朝花夕拾的美麗裡,以為看到了你,別過頭去,你對我眨眨大眼睛,夢裡花落知多少。

記《She and Him》, “ Volume One” 專輯 by Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward
註:Zooey 有著一雙美麗的藍眼睛。 照片來源

Thought I saw your face today, 《She and Him》
I thought I saw your face today
but I just turned my head away
Your face against the trees
but I just see the memories
as they come
as they come
And I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again

I saw it glitter as I grew
and love did what I never knew
I thought this place was heaven sent
but now it's just a monument
in my mind
in my mind
And I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again

The cars and freeways implore me to stay way out of this place
My mother said just keep your head and play as it plays


The cars and freeways implore me to stay way out of this place
My mother said just keep your head and play as it plays

I somehow see what's beautiful in things that are ephemeral
I'm my only friend, am I?
Love is just a piece of time
in the world
in the world
And I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again

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